Delta-X research launches innovative gas analysis technology

Delta-X Research announce release of its innovative technology called Reliability-based Dissolved Gas Analysis, dissolved gas analysis test data.


Canada: Delta-X Research announce the full release of its innovative technology called Reliability-based Dissolved Gas Analysis, a new method for interpreting dissolved gas analysis test data.

This new method for interpreting dissolved gas analysis data helps high-voltage equipment experts identify and assess power transformer abnormalities by correlating fault gas production with transformer failures.

Unlike conventional dissolved gas analysis which uses a simple limits-based approach, Reliability-based DGA applies a statistical model built from real-world transformer reliability data, including failure events.

Delta-X Research offers market leading software for managing and interpreting test and monitor data for high-voltage equipment such as the large power transformers found in electrical substations. In particular, the company provides expert analysis of insulating fluid test data, including dissolved gas analysis (DGA), that can indicate if equipment is experiencing a fault or requires other maintenance.

Source: Delta-X Research