Eskom’s Medupi Unit 3 achieves commercial operation

South Africa: South Africa’s national power utility, Eskom, announced that Unit 3 at its Medupi Power Station Project has attained commercial operation status.


South Africa: South Africa’s national power utility, Eskom, announced that Unit 3 at its Medupi Power Station Project has attained commercial operation status.

The unit was officially declared commercial after the completion of its optimisation, control demonstration, and 72 hours and the 30 day reliability runs, putting all performance guarantees to effect.

“Commercial operation of Unit 3 is a major milestone that signifies that Medupi is nearing its completion; therefore, it cannot be taken lightly,” said Jan Oberholzer, chief operating officer.

Unit 3 reached full load on 16 May 2018 (796 MW) and was first synchronised to the national grid on 08 April 2018. Unit 3 joins its sister units, Units 6, 5 and 4 which have been commercially contributing electricity to the national grid since 23 August 2015 (U6), 3 April 2017 (U5) and 28 November 2017 (U4).

Source: ESI Africa