Brazil power transmission companies remove GE equipment after explosions

Brazil: Brazil’s grid operator ONS recommended replacing GE’s CTH-550 transformer model after registering 53 explosions.


Brazil: Brazil’s grid operator ONS recommended replacing GE’s CTH-550 transformer model after registering 53 explosions.

ONS said then that the equipment showed “a failure rate that is superior to what is expected” for such a device.

There are close to 700 pieces of that equipment in Brazil’s grid, each costing up to $26,000 (100,000 reais). Power transmission companies have already launched tenders to buy replacement transformers while they discuss the costs and a schedule for the changes with GE and regulators.

GE said it is investigating what caused the equipment failure in Brazil.“GE Grid Solutions performed a series of checks in the equipment with its clients and, as of this moment, there is no evidence that the problems were caused by the design, components or production processes,” GE said.

Brazil’s electrical energy regulator Aneel said that, after conducting a detailed analysis, it has determined the problem is with the manufacturer.

Taesa, one of Brazil’s largest power transmission companies, said it has started replacing all GE model CTH-550 transformers in its networks. Taesa’s CEO Raul Lycurgo Leite said the changes will be completed next year, adding that it will take time due to the buying process and coordinated grid work.

Source: Reuters