$9.3 B for UK’s transmission system project

UK: National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) has unveiled plans to spend $9.3 B (£7.4 B) to establish the future electricity transmission system.


UK: National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) has unveiled plans to spend $9.3 B (£7.4 B) to establish the future electricity transmission system.

NGET unveiled the first draft of its RIIO-T2 business plan, detailing how it will invest in and operate England and Wales’ electricity transmission system over the next delivery period from 2021 – 2026.

The plan will see the transmission system operator (TSO) focus on three specific priorities, namely delivering a sustainable, affordable and reliable energy system, harking back to the government’s oft-discussed but now abandoned energy trilemma.

As it stands, National Grid ET is expected to invest the $945 M (£752 M) earmarked for further enabling of the energy transition partly on network reinforcements to create 20.8 GW of additional capacity for renewables, adding to the 12.6 GW of renewable power already connected to the transmission system across England and Wales.

It has also highlighted that a not inconsiderable portion of the $779 M (£620 M) set aside for protecting the network from external threats will be spent on ramping up the transmission system’s cyber capability.

Source: Current News