100 MW solar project to be explored

US: Dominion Energy Virginia and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority announced Thursday they will jointly explore the development of a large-scale 100 MW solar energy project on approximately 4.85 km² at Washington Dulles International Airport.


US: Dominion Energy Virginia and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority announced Thursday they will jointly explore the development of a large-scale 100 MW solar energy project on approximately 4.85 km² at Washington Dulles International Airport.

Dominion Energy recently signed a sublease with the Airports Authority to begin feasibility studies for the project to move forward. Electricity generated from the solar project would connect to Dominion Energy’s existing transmission line located on Dulles International Airport property, delivering clean energy for residential and commercial customers.

A solar project of this size could power 25,000 homes at peak output and would be one of the largest solar facilities in Northern Virginia, providing clean energy to the most populous region of the state.

On September 18, 2019, Dominion Energy filed an application with PJM, the regional transmission organization that coordinates the electrical grid in all or parts of 13 states and the District of Columbia, to interconnect the project to the transmission grid. The new facility could come on line as early as 2023 and is supportive of Dominion Energy solar capital investment plan.

Source: Yahoo Finance