Paraguay launches bidding for $49.5 M transmission and distribution project

Paraguay: Paraguay’s state power company Ande has launched international bidding to reinforce electricity dispatch under a second phase of a project financed by the European Investment Bank to improve the transmission and distribution system.


Paraguay: Paraguay’s state power company Ande has launched international bidding to reinforce electricity dispatch under a second phase of a project financed by the European Investment Bank to improve the transmission and distribution system.

One call entails the construction of the 220 / 66 / 23 kV Alto Paraná substation and the expansion of the Presidente Franco substation, as well as the associated line, for a combined estimated budget of $33 M.

The other processes are to expand the Caaguazú substation ($11.8 M) and overhaul the Central-General Díaz-Republicano line ($4.5 M).

Meanwhile, Ande awarded local group CIE a $12.8 M contract to build the 220 kV Villa Elisa substation as part of the project, but financed by Latin American development bank CAF and The Opec Fund for International Development.

Source: BN Americas