Colombia steps up transmission plans

Colombia: Colombia plans to offer three new power dispatch projects to investors as part of efforts to reinforce the regional transmission system (STR) amid increasing load demand.


Colombia: Colombia plans to offer three new power dispatch projects to investors as part of efforts to reinforce the regional transmission system (STR) amid increasing load demand.

The proposed infrastructure entails the design, procurement, construction, and operation and maintenance of 110 kV substations Nueva Toluviejo, Nueva Rio and Nueva San Juan in the departments of Sucre, Atlántico and La Guajira, respectively.

Draft terms from mining and energy planning unit UPME are available here for the planned works to shore up the STR, which is composed of lines and substations that operate under 220 kV.

UPME information also shows that EPSA was the sole bidder in the STR call for the 110 kV Guatapurí substation with an offer of $15 M, which corresponds to the present value of expected annual income during the first 25 years.

Meanwhile, UPME extended to December 12 the deadline to submit proposals in the STR call for works associated with the Termoflores, Las Flores, Centro, Oasis, Magdalena, Unión, Tebsa and Estadio substations.

Source: BN Americas