Black Hills Corp to invest $2.9 B through 2023

Black Hills Corporation announced it expected the company to spend $2.9 B on capital investments through 2023 as it establishes new transmission lines, invests more heavily in renewables and navigates regulatory consolidation.


US: Black Hills Corporation announced it expected the company to spend $2.9 B on capital investments through 2023 as it establishes new transmission lines, invests more heavily in renewables and navigates regulatory consolidation.

The company is investing $57 M into a wind project near Cheyenne, Wyoming. Currently expected to reach 40 MW, the Corriedale Wind Energy Project could expand to 52 MW once complete. It’s part of a larger, renewable energy subscriber effort known as Renewable Ready, which will provide a voluntary tariff system for large commercial and industrial customers in South Dakota and Wyoming, along with governmental agencies. Both utilities in the region, South Dakota Electric and Wyoming Electric, have received approval for the program.

Black Hills is also focused on energy efficiency efforts throughout its territory.

“We have programs in each one of our states both in electric and gas that have been highly successful, primarily focused on the customer,” Lindon Evans, president & CEO of Black Hills Corp., said.

Source: Daily Energy Insider