1 GW solar project in Massachusetts moves forward

US: National Grid released results for the first part of an interconnection study that put nearly 1 GW of Massachusetts solar projects on hold.


US: National Grid released results for the first part of an interconnection study that put nearly 1 GW of Massachusetts solar projects on hold.

Sixty-eight projects can move forward with no added transmission cost, the utility said.

Just a single project out of the 320 MW studied in Part 1 of the so-called “cluster study” will have to pay for a transmission upgrade, the costs of which National Grid is still estimating.

“We’re thrilled to death we’re through this phase,” said Tim Roughan, National Grid’s director of regulatory strategy, of Part 1, while cautioning that Part 2 projects are likely to require “more significant upgrades.”

“Part 2 will likely result in the expansion of existing substations and the likely need for additional new substations so we can have enough distribution capacity to connect those projects,” said Roughan.

Source: Green Tech Media