Construction of two substations in Nepal at final stage

The construction works of substations at Sunwal of Nawalparasi and Bhandara of Chitwan are finalizing. Tata Project Limited will operate it by mid-April.



Nepal: The construction works of New Butwal substation at Sunwal of Nawalparasi (220 / 132 kV) and East Chitwan substation at Bhandara of Chitwan (132 / 33 / 11 kV) have reached the final phase.

Tata Project Limited, the Indian contractor, has resolved to operate the substation by mid-April. Over 100 staffers are employed for the construction of the project. Electricity generated from hydroelectricity projects at Kaligandaki river basin will be connected to the national grid at New Butwal substation through 220 kV Kaligandaki Corridor transmission line.

The second cross-border transmission line for electricity trade between Nepal and India will start from New Butwal substation. Nepal and India have come to an agreement for electricity trade, construction, and implementation of New Butwal-Gorakhpur 400 kV double-circuit transmission line. New Butwal will be the second largest electricity hub after Dhalkebar substation at Dhanusha.

From the grant provided by America through Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), another substation with a capacity of 400 kV will be built at New Butwal. The MCC will also build transmission line from Damauli of Tanahun to New Butwal.

Electricity transmitted through 132 kV transmission line from Hetauda of Makwanpur to Bharatpur will be supplied to the area after trapping the electricity at East Chitwan substation.

Source: My Republica