New York announces $341 M funding to rebuild transmission lines

New York: The Government of New York has announced a funding of $341 M to rebuild an 138 km stretch of ageing Moses-Adirondack transmission lines.



New York: The Government of New York has announced a funding of $341 M to rebuild an 138 km stretch of ageing Moses-Adirondack transmission lines.

The funding will allow the New York Power Authority (NYPA) to support the state’s energy system and meet clean energy goals.

As part of the funding, a $294 M contract has been announced for the Moses-Adirondack Smart Path Reliability Project.

The project would enable New York’s energy system to transmit renewable energy from northern New York to other parts of the state.

NYPA board awarded a $294 M contract to Michels Power for the construction of the new transmission lines.

NYPA president and CEO Gil Quiniones said: “Rebuilding and modernising our major transmission lines is vital so that we can advance the Governor’s and New York State’s clean energy policies and goals.

“These Smart Path upgrades will enable us to have a reliable, resilient transmission pathway from north to south.”

The construction works are expected to begin this year and will be completed by 2023.


Source: Power Technology