GE completes South Korea’s first HVDC upgrade on schedule

GE completed an upgrade to one of two HVDC links between the South Korean mainland and Jeju Island, allowing for more efficient bi-directional power transfer.


South Korea

South Korea: GE Renewable Energy’s Grid Solutions business recently completed an upgrade to one of two high-voltage direct current (HVDC) links between the South Korean mainland and Jeju Island, allowing for more efficient bi-directional transfer of power, including renewable energy.

A converter in the Jeju-Haenam HVDC refurbishment project (South Korea) using the updated H450 valve.

South Korea’s first HVDC upgrade ever includes the first commercial application of Grid Solution’s most advanced Line Commutated Converter (LCC) valve technology, the H450, as well as an upgrade to the control system and cooling system. Thanks to the upgraded control system, both the refurbished 300 MW link and the second 400 MW link are now using GE’s latest algorithms for maintaining grid frequency, providing higher reliability and more robust operational control.

The HVDC refurbishment was done exceptionally fast, in accordance with Korea’s largest electric utility Korea Electric Power Corporation’s (KEPCO’s) 24 month deadline. Within this timeframe, the link continued to operate except for an amazingly small window of about three months.


Source: Yahoo Finance