Transformers Magazine invites all interested parties: Take part in our Special Edition Digitalization!

We invite all interested parties to take part in our Special Edition publication focusing on Digitalization.


Special edition digitalization

Special edition digitalization

Transformers Magazine invites all interested parties to take part in our Special Edition publication focusing on Digitalization.

Digitalization offers huge opportunities for optimization of the whole energy system making it more compact, efficient, smarter, faster, and user friendly by putting the intelligence into the products. The success of digitalization, however, depends on the associated complexity.

We hope that this special edition will shed a new light on the disruption in the technology field that is expected to change the world. We also invite you to find topics that could be of interest in this edition on this link.

Our readers, potential authors and other stakeholders are invited to propose additional topics of relevance by 15 April 2019.

Also, our guest editors can contact us by 15 March 2020 and authors  can express intent to submit a paper, or submit their full-length manuscripts following our regular submission procedure by 15 May 2020. You can do so via our contact form.

All submitted manuscripts of technical articles will undergo an anonymous peer review. Thus, invitation to submit a manuscript does not guarantee inclusion in the special edition.

The editors look forward to receiving paper proposals and manuscripts.

Promote your products and services to the targeted audience through this Special Edition, learn about all your options by contacting us.