Falling transformer causes explosion in Osoyoos

An explosion heard in the downtown area of Osoyoos was the result of a falling transformer from a power pole on 12 May.


burning transformer

Image source: Osoyoos Times

Canada, British Columbia, Osoyoos: An explosion heard in the downtown area of Osoyoos was the result of a falling transformer from a power pole on 12 May.

Osoyoos Fire Department responded to a call about a burning power pole, likely caused by an electrical short according to the local fire chief.

“When I got on scene I could see 55 % of the upright diameter of the pole had been burnt through. Obviously something shorted and had burned away for a considerable time,” said Dave McMahon, Osoyoos Fire Chief.

Fire crews secured the area and contacted tenants of nearby businesses to move their vehicles away from the power pole when the transformer attached to the power pole fell.

“While we were doing all of that, one of the transformers fell loose with a loud explosion,” McMahon said. “The power is down, but it is safe.”

FortisBC is on scene, McMahon said, and the fire department remains on scene as the power pole is still compromised.

Source: Osoyoos Times