Siemens’ second offshore substation heading to Triton Knoll

A major milestone in the construction of Innogy's Triton Knoll offshore wind farm is on the horizon as the 2nd offshore substation heads across the North Sea.


offshore substation_Triton Knoll

Image source: Triton Knoll

Belgium: A major milestone in the construction of Innogy’s Triton Knoll offshore wind farm is on the horizon as the second offshore substation heads across the North Sea.

Siemens Energy’s East offshore transformer module has set sail from Hoboken, Belgium, for the site, 32 km off the Lincolnshire coast.

Fabricated and fitted out by Smulders and Engie Fabricom, it will soon join the first, installed over Easter.

The physical build out of Innogy’s 857 MW wind farm began early in the new year, with the substations responsible for maximising the voltage of the power generated by 90 turbines before it is sent back to land.

Mark Pilling, managing director of Transmission Solutions at Siemens Energy Ltd, said, “This achievement marks a crucial stage in the project as we now move from fabrication to connection. Once both platforms are installed on their foundations, we will start commissioning work to get the wind farm ready to connect to the grid to provide the clean, green renewable power needed to reach net zero.”

Each module weighs 1,200 t, stands a total of 41 m above sea level, and covers an area of 560 m2. Both are installed on a monopile foundation.

Julian Garnsey, project director for Triton Knoll and Innogy, said, “We are delighted to see this key infrastructure setting sail on the final leg of its journey, ahead of installation at the heart of our wind farm. Both structures, once operational, will form a critical part of the offshore electrical network and be responsible for transmitting the energy generated by our 90 turbines, over 50 km to shore and ultimately into UK homes and businesses.


Source: Business Live