Siemens to modernise HVDC link between Northern Ireland and Scotland

Northern Ireland: Siemens Gas and Power (Siemens Energy) has been awarded the project to refurbish the Moyle Interconnector.


northern ireland

Image source: Siemens

Northern Ireland: Siemens Gas and Power (Siemens Energy) has been awarded the project to refurbish the Moyle Interconnector, a HVDC link between Ballycronan More in County Antrim, Northern Ireland, and Auchencrosh, Scotland.

Owned and operated by Mutual Energy, the Moyle Interconnector control and protection system is almost 20 years old and is being modernised to enhance its operation.

The refurbishment of the 500 MW interconnector will increase the security and reliability of the power supply to consumers in the United Kingdom.

The project to upgrade the technology originally installed by Siemens in 2001 is now underway and the refurbishment is scheduled to be completed in September 2022.

HVDC refurbishments are complex projects, as the optimal scope needs to be identified and all remaining interfaces clarified. With the help of constructive and detailed discussions between Mutual Energy and Siemens, a common understanding was established and the scope defined as: the detailed design, manufacturing, factory testing, installation, and commissioning of the control and protection system (including the replacement of auxiliary supplies, valve base electronics, and the measurement system), and the supply of a control training simulator.

The refurbishment of the interconnector will address the demands of the evolving electricity networks in both Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Additionally, by introducing an overload capability, the upgraded Moyle Interconnector will have greater operational flexibility.

Speaking about the upgrade, Paddy Larkin, Chief Executive of Mutual Energy, said, “The new system will allow us to adapt to evolving security standards and changing grid conditions – best serving the needs of our customers and Northern Ireland’s energy requirements.”

“With its enhanced control features, the HVDC Classic system will be perfectly equipped for the future to more effectively meet the energy market’s demands”, says Hauke Jürgensen, Head of Large Transmission Solutions at Siemens Energy.

Source: Siemens