MR achieves certification from SGS Peru

Germany: The MR Power Quality (MR PQ) has been certified for the next three years by SGS Peru after meeting 100 % of the criteria.



Image source: MR

Germany: The MR Power Quality (MR PQ) has been certified for the next three years by SGS Peru after meeting 100 % of the criteria.

In order to officially document the highest supplier qualifications, MR GmbH recently decided to pursue independent third-party certification from SGS Peru. The areas of quality, workplace safety, and environmental safety were evaluated and certified. MR GmbH met 100 % of the strict criteria and requirements and is now officially certified for the next three years.

“This certification was a challenge, a major achievement for the team, and, naturally, an extremely important step in terms of continuing our growth strategy in the mining sector and meeting the considerable demands of our customers. We are now able to offer our comprehensive solutions for even more tenders,” says Dr. Siegfried Bauer, who, as Administrative Head of PQ, was responsible for coordinating the certification process and also provided all the necessary documentation.

Mining activities involve challenging electrical loads. Whereas, for example, large crushers, shredders, or conveyor belts require an enormous amount of energy with extremely dynamic loads, other equipment requires maximum power quality for continuous, reliable operation. Voltage drops can result in malfunctions or cause damage to equipment.

Given the complexity of mining operations, the power supply necessitates extremely thorough data collection, on-site measurements, simulations, evaluations, and, naturally, a solution concept. The specialists in the PQ unit at MR offer consulting and analysis as well as GRIDCON® products for clean grids and optimal power quality.

Source: MR