Siemens launches Born Connected 3.0 – advanced Sensgear®

Under the motto “Born Connected 3.0 – from products to system intelligence” Siemens Energy is launching the newest addition to its portfolio Sensgear®.


sensgear siemens

Image source: Siemens

Germany: Under the motto “Born Connected 3.0 – from products to system intelligence” Siemens Energy is launching the newest addition to its digital transmission products portfolio Sensgear®.

Sensgear® has been enhanced with added transparency, advanced productivity, and advanced intelligence. It now enables the user to simulate the future and operate accordingly.

“By merging classical physics and information technology we are bringing a fundamental shift in the industry, ” said Beatrix Natter, Executive Vice President, Siemens Energy Transmission. “With smart sensors, cloud computing, and IoT the limitations of the past are now making way for intelligent products and systems. Future is about scaling up product intelligence by challenging physical frontiers of theoretical knowledge with operational data and cloud as default platform to offer complex asset models including analysis and recommendations on demand and in real time. The goal is to shape the transmission grids of tomorrow using smart products and smarter systems. ”

Puneet Singh, Vice President Digitalisation, Siemens Energy Transmission stated about Born connected 3.0, “All assets of a high-voltage substation can transmit data to a highly secure cloud-based platform that represents a parallel information channel to the SCADA system in real time. On this cloud-based platform, data is analysed by complex algorithms. As a result, the conventional control protection philosophy can now be combined with a more agile information channel into a cloud platform for faster analytics. ”

New benefits for transmission system operators are: operation – increase power transmission by optimising asset utilisation, and minimise operational risks; service – improve service effectiveness, health, and safety through predictive maintenance, which means less hours on equipment; asset management – improve asset transparency, productivity, and management, and optimise asset power transmission performance and asset lifecycle costs.

Scalable and flexible hardware platform is the same for all Sensgear® and Sensformer® products so they can work together fully compatible in substations, power systems, and grids.

Source: Siemens