SE Digitalization – Call for participation

The global power system is in the midst of a grand transformation, and the future of energy is digital, thus our special edition is focused on this topic.


Special edition digitalization

Special edition digitalization

The global power system is in the midst of a grand transformation, and the future of energy is digital.

For this matter, this year’s Transformers Magazine’s special edition is focused solely on this topic and will explore it most extensively.

Why should you take part in this special edition?

Our peer-reviewed articles are being used as reference documents by CIGRÉIEEE, and other working groups, thus giving its content longevity as well as recognition by the highest professional authorities in the field.

Becoming our corporate ally gives your brand long term visibility and credibility among industry experts and professionals.

With more than 450 published authors, we have created thousands of pages of high-quality material for 20,000 subscribers and have a combined following of 58,000 on social media.

Use this platform to expand your community and reach new users for your products and services.

Peek into this upcoming issue by reading the first pre-published article.

Also, this special edition covers an array of interesting topics, such as:

  • Maintenance activities
  • Online DGA
  • Digitalization of electrical assets
    Next generation of energy transmission
  • Digital transformation
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Product development
  • Digital condition monitoring
  • Machine learning, etc.

You still have time to participate with your advertisements, advertorial articles, and interviews.

Please share this with your colleagues.

For more information, feel free to contact us at

We look forward to cooperating with you!

Transformers Magazine Team