Croatia’s HEP kicks off €24 M smart grid project

Croatia, Zagreb: Distribution system operator HEP – Operator distribucijskog sustava (HEP ODS) has launched €24 M Smart Grid Pilot Project.


smart grid

Image for illustration purposes

Croatia, Zagreb: Distribution system operator HEP – Operator distribucijskog sustava (HEP ODS) has launched €24 M Smart Grid Pilot Project.

The project which includes digitalisation of a part of the electricity distribution network in Croatia and creating conditions for integration of distributed sources. HEP ODS will invest into three areas of advanced electricity distribution network: advanced metering infrastructure, development and optimization of the conventional network and automation of the medium-voltage network. The agreement for this project was signed back in July 2018.

European Regional Development Fund provides 85 % of required funds, granted under the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 – 2020, and the rest comes from HEP ODS own funds. The company, part of power utility Hrvatska Elektroprivreda (HEP), will invest additional $8.2 M (€7 M), making the total investment worth $36.5 M (€31 M). HEP ODS plans to complete the project by the end of 2022.

Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, Tomislav Ćorić, said the country needs a more flexible grid and development of a modern system, ready to integrate a large volume of renewable energy sources.

Source: Balkan Green Energy News