Efacec launches innovative modular system

Efacec has just taken a new step with the unprecedented launch on the market of the modular system concept.



Image source: Efacec

Portugal, Leça do Balio: Efacec has just taken a new step with the unprecedented launch on the market of the modular system concept.

It will allow the same equipment to receive new features at the pace of customer needs. The modularity concept will be applied to different Efacec products and takes the first step in the segment of transformers.

Optimisation of shipping, transportation and installation processes, increasing the product’s functionality with digital connectivity, environmental gains throughout the product chain, maintaining the recognised reliability, durability and high performance are the added benefits for customers by this modular system. On Efacec’s side, modularity allows greater efficiency in the design and production processes, increasing product’s competitiveness in a demanding and changing market.

The delivery of the first transformers developed based on this modular concept begins in 2021, and the first modular transformer is expected to start operating in March 2021. Among the recipients of this product are utilities, industry and renewables.

The new concept will be applied to Efacec’s Core Power Transformers. It is estimated that in 2022 about 55 % of the Core Transformers produced by Efacec will have incorporated this innovation and in 2023 all transformers of this type will be produced following this concept.

With an active patent for Europe and the USA, strategic markets for Efacec’s Transformers business unit, the modular system combines technology and design in the concept of the equipment, maintaining the same look & feel for the various applications, without loss of functionality and general architecture in the different solutions to be addressed.

Ângelo Ramalho, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Efacec says: “This is an important step for the company. Efacec has been a global reference in the field of transformers for over 70 years. Along this path, we launched new products and technologies that have become benchmarks in the market, but we have also gone further, investing in increasing the power of products and designing customised solutions. The Modular System is heir to this legacy. It allows our products to present a more appealing design, incorporate digital connectivity and combine high performance and quality with energy efficiency and decarbonisation. It is a new concept that responds to the needs of the market and our customers and is distinguished from the remaining offers on the market”.


Source: Efacec