Ørsted receives consent for 2.4 GW wind farm

UK, London: The UK Government has issued development consent for Ørsted to construct the Hornsea Project Three offshore wind farm.


Image source: Ørsted

UK, London: The UK Government has issued development consent for Ørsted to construct the Hornsea Project Three offshore wind farm.

Development consent was granted following a six-month examination. Ørsted UK Region head Duncan Clark said: “We are delighted to confirm that Hornsea Three offshore wind farm has been granted consent by the secretary of state for business, energy and industrial strategy. We have worked closely with key stakeholders to develop a robust compensation plan focused on the implementation of onshore artificial nesting structures specifically designed for kittiwakes.”

Kittiwakes are a rare and endangered sea bird that feed in the area of the Hornsea development. British bird charity RSPB criticised the placement of the development, saying it could cause the death of dozens of birds each year.

The Planning Inspectorate chief executive Sarah Richards said: “When examining the application and making their recommendation, the Examining Authority took full account of views from communities, particularly those near the North East coast of England who might be affected by this proposal, alongside national policy and evidence of the need for the project.”

Clark continued: “The unique compensation plan for Hornsea Three demonstrates that the industry can continue to deliver on the government’s offshore wind ambition of 40G W by 2030 in a sensitive and environmentally responsible way. We would like to thank Shoney Wind for providing specialist knowledge on kittiwake artificial nesting towers.”

With an approximate capacity of up to 2.4 GW, the Hornsea Project Three offshore wind farm will be located off the north coast of Norfolk in east England. The area is part of Zone 4, covered by the Round 3 offshore wind licensing arrangements established by The Crown Estate.


Source: Power Technology