Interview with Julian Montero

Victor Lozano, Sales & Application Engineer for OMICRON Spain talked to Julian Montero from i-DE, Spanish distribution system operator, part of IBERDROLA Group.


Victor Lozano, Sales & Application Engineer for OMICRON Spain talked to Julian Montero from i-DE, Spanish distribution system operator, part of IBERDROLA Group, one of the largest power utilities worldwide, about their power transformer maintenance and testing program. Julian Montero has been responsible for the area of predictive and corrective maintenance within the Power Transformers standardization and maintenance department at I-DE (Group Iberdrola) since 2014. Previously he worked as a project engineer at Elecnor, Gamesa and Iberdrola Engineering, always related to the development of new HV lines and substations in Spain and Brazil.

Geographically, we are covering the area where i-DE operates in Spain, taking care of power transformers from 10 MVA up to 450 MVA, and voltage ratings ranging from 30 kV to 400 kV.

There are nine fieldwork teams assigned to the regional operation and maintenance units in five regions, making up a total of 24 people. These fieldwork teams check the proper operation of OLTCs (On Load Tap Changers) and perform electrical testing of the power transformers defined in both predictive and corrective maintenance programs. Click here  to read the whole interview.

Keywords: corrective maintenance, power transformers, testing