Modernisation of transmission lines in Finland is progressing

Finland, Fingrid Oyj, a Finnish transmission system operator, is modernizing approximately 112 km of 110-kV power lines and two substations in North Karelia.



Image source: T&D World

Finland, Fingrid Oyj, a Finnish transmission system operator, is modernising approximately 112 km of 110-kV power lines and two substations in North Karelia.

One new substation will also be built. Overall, the network reinforcements in North Karelia will cost Fingrid approximately $35.8 (€30 M).

The improvements to the North Karelian electricity network are being planned and implemented in close cooperation with the region’s electricity distribution system operator. The project will result in a more reliable electricity transmission network for the region.

Three construction projects were planned to modernize the transmission lines in North Karelia over the period 2019 to 2022.

The upgrade work at the substations in Uimaharju and Kontiolahti has been completed. An entirely new substation is under construction in Palojärvi. Work is now underway and the new substation is expected to be commissioned in summer 2022.

TMV Line Oy is the contractor for all the transmission line contracts. Caverion Suomi Oy is the contractor for the Uimaharju substation and TMV Service Oy is the contractor for the Kontiolahti and Palojärvi substations.


Source: T&D World