CELEC EP commissions new La Paz substation

On June 27, the Electricity Corporation of Ecuador (CELEC EP), together with the company ELECAUSTRO SA, commissioned the La Paz substation.


La Paz Subestacin

Image source: CELEC EP

Ecuador, Cuenca: On June 27, the Electricity Corporation of Ecuador (CELEC EP), together with the company ELECAUSTRO SA, commissioned the La Paz substation.

The substation of 138 kV is located in Azuay province. This work will allow the connection of the future 50 MW Minas de Huascachaca wind farm to the National Transmission System (SNT).

The La Paz substation will enable the transport of energy from the Minas de Huascachaca wind farm, built by ELECAUSTRO SA. The new substation was built by the generating company and supervised by technical personnel of CELEC EP’s TRANSELECTRIC Business Unit.

Raúl Canelos, manager of CELEC EP TRANSELECTRIC, verified the operation together with the technical team of the Business Unit. Canelos highlighted that the new La Paz substation will be available for when the Huascachaca wind farm starts operating, which will allow for the improvement of energy delivery to the SNT, which transports energy from the generation plants to the distribution companies and then nationwide, through the high voltage transmission network.

These actions have been made possible thanks to the joint work of companies in the electricity sector, for which the Interinstitutional Cooperation Agreement was signed in 2020 between ELECAUSTRO SA and CELEC EP TRANSELECTRIC. This way the electricity transmission company supervised all the construction works in its different, according to Resolution No. ARCONEL-006/2020.

In accordance with the Regulations of the Organic Law of the Public Electricity Service, this type of facilities (transmission substations) must be transferred to the national transmission company. For this reason, the La Paz substation will become part of the assets of the SNT, owned by CELEC EP TRANSELECTRIC.


Source: BNamericas