Energa receives the latest Imefy transformers

Poland: IMEFY has won a tender for supplying Energa with new transformers


Image source: Imefy

Poland: IMEFY has won a tender for supplying Energa with new transformers

Thanks to this agreement, IMEFY supplied more than 250 transformers of different powers to the northwestern region of Poland.

Energa Logistyka, one of the leading suppliers in Poland of goods for the construction, modernization and operation of electrical networks and installations, as well as electricity receivers, has received 250 kVA and 400 kVA transformers.

Most of these transformers operate with a primary voltage of 15.75 kV and a secondary voltage of 420 V. The remaining units operate at 21 kV. This has been the last supply of transformers according to the Ecodesign I standard.

Undoubtedly, the continuous development and increasingly efficient methods have made Imefy the best option to support Energa Logistyka.

Imefy’s productive capacity and the efficiency of its transformers are of great value to the Polish entity with regard to the power supply in the different areas of the country in which it operates.


Source: Imefy