SSEN starts onshore works for Shetland HVDC link

UK, Shetland: SSEN Transmission has started work to install 10 km of underground cable in Shetland and Caithness.


Image source: SSEN

UK, Shetland: SSEN Transmission has started work to install 10 km of underground cable in Shetland and Caithness.

This will mark a major milestone for the 600 MW Shetland HVDC project.

The onshore cable will run from the converter station at Kergord in Shetland and the switching station at Noss Head in Caithness to the subsea cable landfall points.

Once installed it will connect with the 260 km subsea HVDC cable which will enable Shetland’s connection to the national grid for the first time and facilitate the connection of new renewable generation, unlocking Shetland’s clean power potential.

The cable installation works are being carried out by SSEN Transmission’s principal contractor NKT and follows progress made on the construction of the switching station at Noss Head and the converter station at Kergord.

“It is great to see the cable installation getting underway and see Shetland’s connection to the UK grid for the first time becoming a reality. This is a significant milestone for the project, it has taken a lot of hard work and collaboration with our colleagues at NKT to get to this stage. We are extremely grateful to everyone who lives along the respective onshore cable routes for their co-operation and understanding and look forward to delivering the 260 km of cabling safely and with the least amount of disruption possible,” said lead project manager Chris Finnigan.

In addition to preparing to start the onshore cable installation SSEN Transmission have also been carrying out marine surveys ahead of the installation of the subsea cable section which is expected to start in late summer 2022.


Source: reNEWS