Atlantique Offshore wins Calvados substation maintenance gig

France: Atlantique Offshore Energy has signed a contract to carry out the maintenance of the substation for the Calvados offshore wind farm off France.


Image source: reNEWS.BIZ

France: Atlantique Offshore Energy has signed a contract to carry out the maintenance of the substation for the Calvados offshore wind farm off France.

The contract is secured in addition to those previously signed for the electrical substations of the Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique) and Fecamp (Seine Maritime) wind farms.

The three substations, with a capacity of 450MW to 500MW, are under construction at the Chantiers de l’Atlantique site. The Saint-Nazaire substation will be delivered in 2021, Fecamp in 2022 and Calvados in 2023.

These long-term maintenance contracts are a first for Atlantique Offshore Energy, which will manage the entire service by relying on its own dedicated teams as well as on the expertise of its partners.

Source: reNEWS.BIZ