Attend the live interview with Joško Papić from Končar D&ST!

Joško Papić, Head of Quality department at Končar D&ST, talks about the project of a 50 % increase in the capacity of distribution transformers testing station


Live Interview with Josko Papic, Head og QA at Končar D&ST - illustration 850 x 400

Image source: Končar D&ST

Joško Papić, Head of Quality department at Končar D&ST, talks about the project of a 50 % increase in the capacity of distribution transformers testing station.

Attend the live interview to know more. The event will be held live on 24 August 2021 at 2 PM CET and it is sponsored by Haefely.

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Joško will tell us more about the ideas that were analysed and implemented in order to achieve the goals set; how they evaluated different measurement technologies, how they chose solutions and how they ultimately increased the testing capacity, while increasing the testing speed and accuracy, statistically reducing measured losses and PD and reinforcing their image as one of the best testing stations for transformers.

The interview will be conducted via Transformers Academy learning platform, by Mladen Banović, editor in chief at the Transformers Magazine.