Eskom responds to electricity woes in Masechaba

South Africa, Duduza: Eskom has restored power in Masechaba Section following after weeks without electricity.


Image source: African Reporter

South Africa, Duduza: Eskom has restored power in Masechaba Section following after weeks without electricity.

Residents of this area have been without electricity for over two months. The outage was caused by explosion of two transformers. Not only were residents inconvenienced, but the blackouts also affected local businesses and a clinic facility.

In its response, Eskom stated, “Before this, two transformers were replaced in the same area in June. This is the third transformer Eskom is replacing in Masechaba Section“, adding that “Eskom has in the recent months recorded a high number of failures in electricity infrastructure due to network overload resulting from illegal connections, meter bypasses and tampering, unauthorised operations, vandalism and theft of electrical equipment.”

In addition, Eskom explained split metering technology will be installed in Masechaba Section as one of the measures to limit repeated transformer failures and explosions.

“We would like to urge the Masechaba community to use electricity sparingly and refrain from overloading the network through illegal electricity activities, such as unauthorised operations on the electricity infrastructure, illegal connections, meter bypasses and tampering. These actions lead to transformer failures and explosions and result in prolonged outages,” stated Eskom.


Source: African Reporter