Trench Group to supply dry-type shunt reactors to Africa

Namibia: Trench Group has received an order for the first 400 kV dry-type shunt reactors on the African continent.


Image source: Trench Group

Namibia: Trench Group has received an order for the first 400 kV dry-type shunt reactors on the African continent.

Trench was awarded by NamPower, one of the most innovative transmission utilities, for one bank of a 100 MVA 400 kV shunt reactor bank for their Auas Substation.

The scope of the project contains full product manufacturing, testing, transport and on-site erection.

Trench is a supplier of specialized electrical products and a recognized world leader in the design and manufacture of dry type air-core reactors for all utility and industrial applications. Trench air-core reactors range from small kVar units for applications such as capacitor bank inrush limiting or distribution system short circuit current reduction, to large power reactors for a number of applications, such as shunt reactors that may be over 100 MVAr per coil.

Traditionally shunt reactors are manufactured in oil immersed design. However, in recent years Trench has been able to gradually extend the range for dry type air-core shunt reactors up to 500, kV operation voltage and posses a long list of references for projects all over the world. This technology offers significant technical advantages and with the maintenance free design, customers benefit from lower total cost of ownership over the complete lifecycle.


Source: Trench Group