ANDE installs 7,000 transformers in 2021

Paraguay: With the installation of 7,000 transformers in 2021, Paraguay seeks the sustained improvement of the distribution system


Image source: ANDE

Paraguay: With the installation of 7,000 transformers in 2021, Paraguay seeks the sustained improvement of the distribution system

One of the most sensitive areas in the electrical system is the distribution area and within it, the failure rate of transformers. It has been detected that in urban areas, the main cause of transformer failure is due to overloading, and it occurs mainly in our country due to the intensive use of refrigeration equipment and air conditioners on high temperature days. Therefore, ANDE (Administración Nacional de Electricidad), the operator of Paraguay’s national electricity grid, plans to install 7,000 new transformers throughout the country this year, which will significantly increase the number of transformers.

ANDE has invested a little over $50 M in the distribution works. Considering that the average cost of each distribution post installed in the system, with its corresponding transformer, its accessories, labour and improvement of the distribution network, and with the installation of 7,000 new equipment, ANDE will invest approximately $50 M in 2021, equivalent to what was invested in previous years in the entire distribution system. For these works to reinforce the distribution system, ANDE has three main sources: its own resources, funds from multilateral bank financing, and financial support from Itaipú Binacional.


Source: ANDE