Uzbekistan to launch the first digital substation in 2023

Uzbekistan, Zafarabad: In 2023, the first digital substation in Uzbekistan will start operating, as reported by the Uzbekistan's Energy Ministry.


Substation Uzbekistan 850x400 (1)

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Uzbekistan, Zafarabad: In 2023, the first digital substation in Uzbekistan will start operating, as reported by the Uzbekistan’s Energy Ministry.

The substation will be located in Zafarabad, Jizzakh region, and is designed for a voltage of 220 kV. The turnkey construction will be carried out by the Chinese company Shanghai Electric Group, which won the tender.

The project, which is part of the Investment Program of Uzbekistan for 2020-2023, is supported by the Asian Development Bank. The consultant is the German GOPA – International Energy Consultants GmbH.

Zafarabad substation will be equipped with the most modern technological and control systems. This will provide a high degree of automation in facility management.

According to the deputy chairman of the National Electric Grids of Uzbekistan, the substation will add 500  of current power to the region’s energy system.

For information, Shanghai Electric Group is the largest Chinese manufacturer of power and industrial equipment. The company was founded in 2004 and headquartered in Shanghai.