Litgrid completes LitPol Link expansion project

Lithuania: Litgrid, the Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator, has successfully completed the expansion of LitPol Link project.


Image source: Baltic Times

Lithuania: Litgrid, the Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator, has successfully completed the expansion of LitPol Link project.

LitPol Link is the interconnection between Lithuania and Poland. This is one of the most crucial of the four synchronisation projects already implemented so far, as the upgraded LitPol Link station near Alytus is now capable of operating in the synchronous mode with the Continental European Synchronous Area.

“The synchronisation of the Baltic states with the Continental European Synchronous Area is the first and the foremost project of the national security, which enables Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to manage their electricity systems on the same frequency with reliable partners independently. Preparations in the four countries continue to progress rapidly, and we are moving steadily towards the goal of the synchronisation in 2025. However, we already have the most important part – the upgraded LitPol Link. This means that from now on, no one can leave us as an isolated energy island: if necessary, we will be able to connect to the Continental European Synchronous Area soon,” said Dainius Kreivys, the Minister of Energy of Lithuania.

The LitPol Link expansion project consisted of the reconstructions of the LitPol Link switchyard, the Alytus transformer substation, and the nearby 330 kV and 110 kV overhead transmission lines. One of the main elements of the upgraded LitPol Link switchyard is the installation of three most powerful 410/345/10.5 kV, 600 MVA autotransformers in Baltic countries. They will allow the Baltic and the Continental European Synchronous Area to be interconnected at the same frequency.

Litgrid, together with the Polish operator PSE, plans to test the synchronous operation via LitPol Link should unforeseen reasons make synchronisation necessary before 2025.

The total cost of the LitPol Link expansion project is $25.3 M (€22.5 M), partly financed by the Connecting Europe Facility.


Source: Baltic Times