CLSG transmission line brings energy to Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone: According to TRANSCO CLSG, the project involves the construction of 530 km of 225 kV power line through seven districts in Sierra Leone.


two men commissioning equipment

Sierra Leone: According to TRANSCO CLSG, the project involves the construction of 530 km of 225 kV power line through seven districts in Sierra Leone.

President of Sierra Leone, Dr Julius Maada Bio has officially switched on the Côte d’Ivoire-Liberia-Sierra Leone-Guinea (CLSG) Electricity Interconnection line at Teloma to bring power to the south and east of the country, emphasising: “The lesson from developing economies is simple. More electricity means more economic activity and better jobs, more profitable private capital investments, increased manufacturing and technological capacity, increased food production, more innovation, better healthcare and education, greater use of telecommunications and better quality of life in general.”

He also thanked key development partners like the World Bank, the African Development Bank, GiZ and the international community for supporting the project to completion, noting that as a government they had long shared their views with those partners that the lack of accessible, reliable and affordable electricity was a constraint to economic growth and national development.


Source: ESI Africa