Hitachi Energy to connect Gulf of Suez wind farm with Egypt’s national power grid

Egypt: Hitachi Energy is delivering to Vestas a grid integration solution to connect the 250 MW Gulf of Suez 1 wind farm in Egypt to the national power grid.


Image source: Hitachi Energy

Egypt: Hitachi Energy is delivering to Vestas a grid integration solution to connect the 250 MW Gulf of Suez 1 wind farm in Egypt to the national power grid.

The solution will collect all the power generated by the 70 Vestas wind turbines and feed it safely and reliably into the high-voltage power grid for transmission across the country, helping to advance Egypt’s energy system to be more sustainable, flexible and secure. It will ensure the power is transferred constantly at the correct voltage and frequency, even under variable wind conditions when the power generated fluctuates.

Gulf of Suez 1 is part of the Egyptian government’s plan to produce 20 % of its installed capacity from renewable sources by 2022 and 42 % by 2035. The wind farm will generate around 1,000 GWh of clean energy and avoid the emission of 560,000 T of carbon dioxide a year, while producing enough renewable energy to power almost 300,000 Egyptian homes.

“We are proud to be contributing to Egypt’s efforts to transition to renewable energy,” says Niklas Persson, Managing Director of Hitachi Energy’s Grid Integration business. “Our grid integration and power quality solutions and expertise ensure variable energy sources like wind power are transferred smoothly and reliably into national power transmission systems, advancing a sustainable energy future for all.”

The supply also includes 220 kV gas-insulated switchgear (GIS), power transformers, control and protection, substation automation and communication systems.

Source: Hitachi Energy