Hitachi Energy supports Swedish utility to maintain its transformers

Sweden: Hitachi Energy provides assistance to C4 Elnät AB, the electric utility within C4 Energi group, in maintenance of its transformers.


Image source: Hitachi Energy

Sweden: Hitachi Energy provides assistance to C4 Elnät AB, the electric utility within C4 Energi group, in maintenance of its transformers.

The Swedish utility C4 Energi, owned by the municipality of Kristianstad, has recognized the im-portance of preventive maintenance and has decided to review and increase its investment in the maintenance of transformers and other power equipment at its facilities. The company needed to assess the condition of a transformer before moving it.

“After an in-depth discussion, Hitachi Energy was able to offer the expertise we needed” says Jacob Färdig, project manager at C4 Energi, responsible for transformer maintenance. “I went out to measure the values on the transformer, and took an oil sample for dissolved gas and oil condition analysis. Our experts at the transformer diagnostics laboratory in Ludvika, analysed it. It turned out that the bushings had poor insulation values and the three high-voltage bushings therefore needed to be replaced,” says Daniel Schönström, Service Engineer at Hitachi Energy.

The laboratory made an overall assessment of the transformer’s status, with results categorized into a colour scale (green for good condition yellow for poor condition requiring repairs in the future, and red for requiring urgent attention). The overall assessment of this transformer showed “red” so it was taken out of service for repairs.

“In the meantime, we had to run our backup transformer while we waited for new high-voltage components. Hitachi Energy was able to get the equipment very fast and fixed the transformer, so after six weeks it was back in service. We are very grateful for the outstanding service,” says Färdig.

“We are very pleased to be able to assist C4 Energi in its maintenance efforts and we value this close cooperation. We want to help industries and energy companies with their preventive maintenance, and we have both the expertise and the local presence within our organization, needed to do so,” says Elin Johansson, Local Product Group Manager, Transformer Service at Hitachi Energy in Sweden.

Source: Hitachi Energy