Romania’s Delgaz Grid to invest $6.5 M 5 transformer stations upgrade

Romania, Bucharest: Delgaz Grid has disclosed that it will invest 28.5 M lei ($6.5 M) into an upgrade of three power transformer stations.


Image source: SeeNews

Romania, Bucharest: Delgaz Grid has disclosed that it will invest 28.5 M lei ($6.5 M) into an upgrade of three power transformer stations.

Romanian electricity and natural gas distributor Delgaz Grid, a member of Germany’s E.ON group, has said in a press release that out of the total investment in the project, $4.79 M (20.8 M lei) will come from EU funds and $1.77 M (7.7 M lei) from the company’s own funds.

The transformer stations are located in Siret, Suceava county, and Dorohoi and Bucecea in Botosani county.

Delgaz Grid will replace high and medium voltage equipment and integrate them into the remote data control and acquisition (SCADA) system. The main objective of the works is to improve the stations’ capacity to take over energy produced from renewable resources by reducing power cuts and reduce maintenance costs.

The overhaul will also improve the quality of the distribution service for over 50,000 customers.

Accessing European funding sources is a priority in order to achieve its objectives of modernization and digitization of the electricity energy distribution infrastructure, Delgaz Grid said. At the moment, the company is implementing seven projects, worth about $43 M (187 M lei), with a total co-financing of $32.24 M (140 M lei) from EU funds.

Delgaz Grid operates a natural gas network of over 23,300 km and an 82.300 km electricity grid in northern Romania.

Source: SeeNews