Terna invests over $1 B into grid development

Italy: The Italian electricity grid operator invests in 37 projects worth over $1.13 B (€1 B), enabling transition towards a decarbonised, sustainable system.


Image source: Terna

Italy: The Italian electricity grid operator invests in 37 projects worth over $1.13 B (€1 B), enabling transition towards a decarbonised, sustainable system.

The Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition and regional councils have authorised the mentioned projects for the development of the electricity grid in 2021.

The 2021 figure, achieved thanks to the constant collaboration and sharing between the company led by Stefano Donnarumma and the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition, saw a strong acceleration in investments which have almost quadrupled compared to 2020, the year in which 23 projects, for a total value of $301 M (€266 M), were authorised.

In addition to creating a positive impact on the efficiency and resilience of the national electricity grid and encouraging the development and distribution of energy produced from renewable sources, Terna’s investments are a fundamental driving force for the growth of the country’s economy: every billion invested in infrastructure generates between two and three in terms of GDP, also contributing to the creation of hundreds of jobs.

The environmental and landscape benefits are also significant: 60 % of the nearly 500 km of new underground or undersea power lines authorised in 2021. The completion of all the projects will also make it possible to demolish 185 km of overhead lines and to remove a total of over 470 pylons.

The most economically significant project authorised in 2021 will be completed in Sicily. This is the “Chiaramonte Gulfi-Ciminna” power line, a line worth about $340 M (€300 M), 172 km long, which will connect the two shores of Sicily, crossing through 6 provinces and 24 municipalities. The next, in order of investment value, is the rationalisation of the electricity grid in the province of Venice, for about $215 M (€190 M) and the new undersea connection worth $102 M (€90 M) that will link the Island of Elba to the Municipality of Piombino, in the province of Livorno.


Source: Terna