Ukraine cuts links to Russian electric grid

Belgium, Brussels: Ukraine has disconnected from Russia’s electric grid and will link into the European Union’s grid, said EU Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson.


Ukraine grid

Image for illustration purposes

Belgium, Brussels: Ukraine has disconnected from Russia’s electric grid and will link into the European Union’s grid, said EU Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson.

Before Russia invaded Ukraine last week, national grid operator Ukrenergo had planned — as part of a project under way since 2017 — to gradually switch connections, likely over the next year. By chance, on the day Russia attacked — Thursday, 24 February — Ukrenergo was conducting a test disconnection from Russia. After the test, Ukraine opted not to reconnect.

Currently Ukraine is operating in “island mode,” not connected to any external grid, Ms. Simson said. This makes it more susceptible to blackouts or other outages.

Ukraine on 27 February requested emergency synchronization to the Continental Europe power system, which Ms. Simson said is difficult to do quickly but not impossible. Europe’s grid operator, ENTSO-E, and the national grid operators within it “fully appreciate the importance of this request” and will do everything they can to meet the request, ENTSO-E said in a written statement.

Ms. Simson said the connection would take “days or weeks.”


Source: The Wall Street Journal