Arcadis Ost offshore substation completed

Denmark, Aalborg: A key element for the connection of the Arcadis Ost 1 wind farm to the German high voltage grid of 50Hertz has been completed.


Arcadis Ost substation

Image source: 50Hertz

Denmark, Aalborg: A key element for the connection of the Arcadis Ost 1 wind farm to the German high voltage grid of 50Hertz has been completed.

Over the past few months the electrical equipment has been installed in the Arcadis Ost offshore substation – the heart of the wind farm.

“We are pleased that the Ostwind 2 project continues to be well on schedule. This brings us another good step closer to the goal of climate neutrality,” says Dr Gerrit Mulert, General Project Manager Ostwind 2 at 50Hertz.

“In the next few weeks, the transformer platform will be shipped to its installation site 19 km east of Rügen. There, the platform will be assembled with the two other components, the so-called transition piece and  monopile components. Afterwards, the submarine export cable already laid by 50Hertz will be connected to the offshore substation. Several test operations will have to be successfully carried out before it is finally considered complete and can be put into operation,” says Matthias Wilhelm, Ostwind 2 Offshore Substation Project Manager at 50Hertz.

The energy generated by the wind turbines is transported to the offshore substation at a voltage level of 33 kV. The substation platform’s function is to bundle the incoming electricity and alter it to a voltage level of 220 kV by means of a transformer. The electricity then leaves the offshore platform by means of a complex, submarine cable system towards the coast to the Lubmin transformer station in Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania. Here the electricity is transformed to 380 kV and integrated into 50Hertz’s high voltage transmission network.

The Ostwind 2 grid connection project connects the two wind farms Arcadis Ost 1 and Baltic Eagle to the German high voltage grid. The Arcadis Ost 1 wind farm is being built by the Belgian company Parkwind. The Arcadis Ost offshore substation is a joint project of 50Hertz and Parkwind. It weighs around 2,400 T, including the technical equipment, and is 30 m high.


Source: 50Hertz