Agreement signed to develop 500 MW renewable energy projects in Chad

Chad, N'Djamena: UK’s Savannah Energy has signed an agreement with the Republic of Chad for the development of up to 500 MW of renewable energy projects.


Savannah Energy renewables in Chad

Image source: ESI Africa

Chad, N’Djamena: UK’s Savannah Energy has signed an agreement with the Republic of Chad for the development of up to 500 MW of renewable energy projects.

The first project Savannah has agreed to develop comprises a PV solar farm of up to 300 MW and a battery energy storage system (BESS) located in Komé, Southern Chad (the Centrale Solaire de Komé). This project is being developed to provide clean, reliable power generation for the Doba Oil Project and the surrounding towns of Moundou and Doba. In doing so, it will displace the existing hydrocarbon power supply resulting in a significant reduction in CO2 emissions and providing a supply of clean, reliable electricity on a potential 24/7 basis to the surrounding towns which currently only have intermittent power access.

The second project covered by the agreement involves the development of solar and wind projects of up to 100 MW each to supply power to the country’s capital city, N’Djamena (the Centrales d’Energie Renouvelable de N’Djamena). A significant portion of this project is anticipated to benefit from the installation of a BESS, potentially enabling the provision of a 24/7 power supply.

“I am delighted to announce the Centrale Solaire de Komé and the Centrales d’Energie Renouvelable de N’Djamena projects. Both of these represent a major vote of confidence in Chad by Savannah and have the potential to contribute to a transformative change in the country’s GDP over the course of the coming years, as well as bringing the significant quality of life benefits,” commented Andrew Knott, Chief Executive Officer, Savannah Energy.

Centrale Solaire de Komé and Centrales d’Energie Renouvelable de N’Djamena are the second and third large-scale greenfield renewable energy projects that Savannah has announced this year, following on from our announcement of the up to 250 MW Parc Eolien de la Tarka project in Niger.


Source: ESI Africa