Easy data processing and data management with PTM DataSync

Martin Pfanner, OMICRON’s PTM-Software Product Manager, talks about the additional software modules PTM DataSync.

Martin Pfanner, OMICRON’s PTM-Software Product Manager, talks about the additional software modules PTM DataSync, and PTM Data Analytics and how they bring comfort to a tester’s daily routines.

Primary Test Manager™ (PTM), OMI-CRON’s popular testing software, simplifies and accelerates electrical system testing. With our additional PTM DataSync Web and PTM Data Analytics modules, data management and analytics capabilities can be extended into a powerful cloud-based client-server system that’s becoming more and more popular due to its multi-functional options. You can maintain a constant overview of your asset’s testing status and save time by quickly making all the relevant data available to your testers and maintenance or asset managers.

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 PTM DataSync solves all the issues around the data management of assets and testing data. Asset data, testing templates, the testing history and actual measurements can easily be shared between multiple team members and safely stored in a central data repository. Testers can now work offline in the substation by replicating the data they needed on their local PCs before.

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