WEG constructs a substation for transmission line connection

Brazil, Santa Catarina: A mixed transmission line is to connect Biguaçu to Florianópolis Island with a substation provided by WEG.


WEG substation

Image source: WEG

Brazil, Santa Catarina: A mixed transmission line is to connect Biguaçu to Florianópolis Island with a substation provided by WEG.

The substation will increase the energy supply, in addition to bringing more operational safety, reduction of electrical losses and reliability in the energy supply to the metropolitan region of Florianópolis.

The ISA CTEEP project in the state of Santa Catarina starts at the Biguaçu Substation, connected to a 230 kV mixed transmission line (aerial, underwater and underground) of approximately 28 km in length, connecting the mainland to Florianópolis Island, reaching Ratones Substation. In

Within this project, WEG provides the construction of a new line bay in the existing Biguaçu Substation, as well as the complete construction of the new Ratones Substation, which has two 150 MVA transformers and two 50 Mvar reactors. Both solutions have been made on a turnkey basis, are compact and use high-tech equipment, designed to minimize any power interference in the local community.

ISA CTEEP is the largest private energy transmission company in the country and has a long history of cooperation with WEG, which meet the criteria of reliability, quality and consistency in energy supply, avoiding blackouts like those that happened in October 2003 across the Island.


Source: WEG