Belfast electricity grid could get $43 M upgrade

UK, Northern Ireland, Belfast: The electricity grid in Belfast would be upgraded if a $43.6 M (£39.5 M) plan from the grid operator gets the go-ahead.


Belfast power grid upgrade

Image source: BBC News

UK, Northern Ireland, Belfast: The electricity grid in Belfast would be upgraded if a $43.6 M (£39.5 M) plan from the grid operator gets the go-ahead.

The Transmission System Operator for NI (SONI) says modernising parts of the grid will prepare it for a future of electric vehicles and home heating powered by electricity.

The project will deliver a new high-capacity underground cable through Belfast city centre. There would also be a new transformer at Castlereagh main substation.

If passed, work would begin in 2024 and last three to four years, with enabling works at substations happening first. The Energising Belfast plan has been approved by the Utility Regulator.

“Northern Ireland is on a journey to a low carbon future and the Energising Belfast project is key to supporting the transition to net zero for households and businesses in Greater Belfast,” said Utility Regulator’ director of networks Tanya Hedley.

A first round of public engagement events are to be held later this month in Belfast to outline the project ahead of a planning application.


Source: BBC News