Glassford Bridge challenge for 80 T transformer

UK: Loaded with an 80 T transformer, the Collett team head to South Lanarkshire destined for Harting Rig Wind Farm Substation.


Harting-Rig-Transformer-Delivery Collett

Image source: Collett

UK: Loaded with an 80 T transformer, the Collett team head to South Lanarkshire destined for Harting Rig Wind Farm Substation.

Appointed by Fracht UK, Collett was tasked with providing a transport solution to deliver the cargo the 370 km (230 mi) from Goole to Harting Rig wind farm in South Lanarkshire.

A relatively straightforward journey, we left our Goole Heavy Lift facility and slowly made our way to the rural County of South Lanarkshire. However, a mere three miles from the wind farm site, the team encountered a challenge, namely Glassford Bridge.

Identified in the planning process, weight restrictions were in place on the structure, resulting in limitations to the vehicles and cargoes crossing the bridge. The loaded trailer and truck combination would have exceeded the structure’s maximum permitted weights, therefore a new approach would be required.

With all this identified, Collett executed innovative transport arrangements to overcome these obstacles, which enabled a smooth bridge crossing.

Clearing the Glassford Bridge, the 80 T transformer completed the remaining 5 km of the journey to Harting Rig Wind Farm. On arrival, the cargo was met by Collett’s Heavy Lift Team for jacking and skidding to final position.


Source: Collett