New transmission line brings $6 B benefit to Michigan

USA: Michigan Electric Transmission Company has announced its intent to construct, own and operate new transmission line projects in Michigan.


Michigan Electric Transmission Co. projects

Image source: T&D World

USA: Michigan Electric Transmission Company has announced its intent to construct, own and operate new transmission line projects in Michigan.

The projects are expected to provide Michigan ratepayers with over $6 B in economic benefits while creating approximately 4,100 jobs across Michigan by 2030.

The new electric transmission projects are part of the Midcontinent Independent System Operator’s (MISO) Long Range Transmission Planning (LRTP) Tranche 1 Portfolio of projects and is the first new interstate connection to Michigan’s transmission system in nearly 50 years.

“I am pleased to celebrate ITC’s transformational and historic investment in Michigan,” said Governor Gretchen Whitmer. “This investment will enhance energy reliability while supporting thousands of jobs and providing a whopping $6 B in economic benefit to communities across the state. Investments like this are critical as we transition towards a clean energy and electric vehicle future. Throughout my administration, I have had the privilege of working across the aisle and across the public and private sector to rebuild Michigan’s infrastructure and bring Michigan’s economy into the future. Let’s keep getting it done.”

With an estimated investment of $850 M, these projects are strategically engineered to improve grid reliability and resiliency, reduce system congestion, support the state’s economic development efforts and enable an electrified economy as Michigan continues its transition towards a lower carbon and renewable energy future.


Source: T&D World