Romania to invest $1.4 B in power grid upgrades by 2031

Romania plans investments of $1.41 B in the development of its electric power transmission network between 2022 and 2031


Romania power grid

Image source: SeeNews

Romania, Bucharest: Romania plans investments of  $1.41 B (RON 7.1 B) in the development of its electric power transmission network between 2022 and 2031, the country’s energy regulator ANRE said.

The development plan compiled by power grid operator Transelectrica was approved by ANRE on 2 November, according to a press release.

Some 29 % of the planned investment will be used to upgrade existing electric transmission networks, 26 % will be used to integrate green energy production into the national energetic mix and 30 % will be used to increase interconnection capacity.

Between 2023 and 2025, scheduled works will be focused on increasing the electricity transmission capacity and meet consumption demand.

The investment plan will enable Romania’s grid to take in over 7,000 MW from new renewable energy sources by 2030, according to its Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan, PNIESC.

In October, Transelectrica announced that it has signed $415.6 M worth of non-refundable financing contracts under the EU’s Modernisation Fund for projects for the development of the national grid infrastructure.

The nine projects will contribute to the rise of the interconnection capacity with the European power system and to the development of Romania’s transmission electricity system, Transelectrica said at the time.


Source: SeeNews