German manufacturer invests $104 M in a new factory

Ziehl-Abegg, German manufacturer of electric drives and fans, plans to invest $104 M (€100 M) in the construction of a new US production plant.


Ziehl-Abegg USA investment

Image source: Ziehl-Abegg

USA: Ziehl-Abegg, German manufacturer of electric drives and fans, plans to invest $104 M (€100 M) in the construction of a new US production plant.

“We are investing €100 M in a completely new production plant in the USA”, said Joachim Ley, Chief Operating Officer of the fan manufacturer Ziehl-Abegg in a press release, adding “This is the largest single investment at one location in the company’s 112-year history and is the result of the strong growth in quiet, robust and energy-saving fans in the markets in Mexico, Canada and the USA.”

The company already operates in North America through its Greensboro (North Carolina) site, which was commissioned in 2004. The new plant, with administration building attached, will be constructed in Winston-Salem (North Carolina), only about 20 km from the existing site.

The new site will be structured as a self-contained production system for motors, which will include winding machines, welding robots, and CNC machines.

The plant will also have a high-bay warehouse, and in the medium term, the company plans to establish a development hub with a laboratory in Winston-Salem, said in the press release.


Source: Ziehl-Abegg