Call for papers in Special Edition – Sustainability

Transformers Magazine cordially invites all interested parties to take part in TM's Special Edition focusing on sustainability, to be published in May 2023.


Special edition Sustainability

Image source: Transformers Magazine

Transformers Magazine cordially invites all interested parties including academic researchers, professional engineers, electrical utilities and consultants, as well as component and material manufacturers to take part in TM’s Special Edition focusing on sustainability, to be published in May 2023.

Sustainability, along with digitalization, is a trend with probably the strongest impact on the current market and technology development, as well as on the transformer markets and technology.

This special edition aims to contribute to the understanding of advanced solutions through the exchange of available information and to present new ideas, to encourage the market to take the necessary steps forward.

With this edition, we wish to give an opportunity to all interested parties for presenting their ideas on technology, business and innovations, as well as to support them on the way to practical application.

Contact us to join our Editorial Board as an editor / reviewer or to express your interest in publishing an article in Special Edition – Sustainability.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!